pp108 : Problem Registry for Database Connectors

Problem Registry for Database Connectors

This topic describes the implementation of problem registry in Process Platform database connectors .

The following is ensured by the Problem Registry framework when it is implemented for the database connectors.

  • When a database server goes down, all JDBC/OLEDB Service Containers using that database server detect the loss of database connection. The detection occurs when the request is being processed. Once the loss of connection is detected, a database connection failure problem is registered.
  • All related Service Containers register the database connection problem.
  • The client ensures that the request is not sent to the Service Containers that have registered the problem.
    Note: To use this feature,
  • the SOAP request must contain the Service Group DN as the target.
  • you must use mirror databases.

  • After the problem is registered by the JDBC/OLEDB Service Container, the respective connector tries to connect to the database once every two minutes

Note for Application Developers

The following points are for all the application developers who use the DBConnectionPool API in the com.eibus.applicationconnector.sql package:

  • A utility called DBProblemMonitor is provided in com.eibus.applicationconnector.sql package, which uses the DBConnectionPool in the same package to connect to the database server. This utility can be used to monitor database connection failure problems.
  • Application developers can also extend this class to detect and resolve domain-specific problems in addition to database connection failure issues.